Following the adoption of the 2025 Draft Finance Act (’ PLF 2025 ’) using the ’ 49.3 procedure ’, a vote of no confidence was tabled on Monday. This vote…
IStR 22/24, page 894-900 According to a judgement of the Administrative Court of Montreuil obtained by the law firm Sagasser & JVA, the number of fiscally transparent companies interposed between…
Newly published in the 6th edition in January 2024: Transformation of companies - mergers, divisions, changes of legal form, asset transfers Edited by Dr. Bernd Sagasser and Thomas Bula …
Sagasser Selas Law Firm offers legal and tax assistance for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Our multilingual team, fluent in French, English, German, Spanish, and Italian, is equipped to handle…
Germany further limits tax reducing structuring of share deals. On 21 April 2021, the German parliament, Bundestag, adopted the reform on real estate transfer tax (“RETT”) regime about “share deals”.…
Whether you have already existing real estate investments in France or you contemplate to invest in France, please find hereafter a selection of the main recent legal, tax and regulatory…
Corporate Income Tax (CIT) A company, whether incorporated in Singapore or otherwise, is considered a resident of Singapore for tax purposes if the place of control and management of its business…
By decision dated July 22, 2016 (Decision n° 2016-554 QPC), the French Constitutional Court ruled that the provisions of Article 1736, IV of the French Tax Code (“FTC”) which determine…
The OECD presented on 05/10/2015 the final package of measures for a comprehensive, coherent and coordinated reform of the international tax rules[1] which has been discussed by G20 Finance Ministers at their meeting…
The contribution of overall 15,5% on real estate income or other income from assets is considered as an unequal treatment for EU non-residents who already are subject to social security…