ICT as well IP have become essential in the day-to-day running of businesses

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as well Intellectual property (IP) have become essential in the day-to-day running of businesses.

With their IT/IP-legal expertise and understanding of the economic, technical and organizational context of the ICT business, the IT team is experienced in drafting and negotiating IT agreements, and managing IT related conflicts.

Our intellectual property and information technology (IP/IT) lawyers advise on contentious and non-contentious international IP and internet-related issues. They are dedicated to the support of fast growing and innovative tech companies.

Their experience covers:

  • IP Rights registration, maintenance and transfers,
  • IT Project Contracts, IT Systems and IT Outsourcing Contracts,
  • Service Level Agreements,
  • Global and local software distribution,
  • Service Provider Contracts,
  • Internet Treaties,
  • Privacy Policy,
  • IT-Compliance,
  • IT / IP related litigation.

For interdisciplinary work we are sourcing teams from France and Germany. Our IT and IP practice team members are all internationally established and are exceptionally qualified to provide the best advice to clients in international business.

Dr. Bernd Sagasser

Thibaud Estève

Jean Vincensini

Attorney, Partner, Tax advisor
+33 156 599 280
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Areas of expertise